Friday, July 6, 2007

Thursday Movie Chatter

Basically this will only be on Thursday because the name rhymes, but why am I doing it on Friday? because I was supposed to do it on Thursday and I messed up my time, will do it on Thursdays next time.

So for today, let's see, what's the Five best movies that contain war or battles or whatever or something like that? On my shortlist there's like 5 and more to add dring the next Movie chatter, most of them are good, I think, some of them are bad.

1- Saving Private Ryan, This has to be the mother of all World War 2 movies isn't it, man, you got some guy who got shot pulling out his intestines, and another guy whose name I've forgotten, got stabbed in the heart by the German they've just released like a few days back. cruel, and it's nice.

2- Tora Tora Tora, I had to watch this because my dad forced me too, and it was really good, you get to see Americanos being potrayed as bad guys and Japanese are the people that your're rooting for, and if you want are real description of Pearl Harbor, this is it, "Pearl Harbor" with women kissing in the seas just doesn't cut it.

3- We Were Soldiers, The only film that I find Mel Gibson rather manly, for if it wasn't for this movie, he'd be this big bozo, who looks gay. Although if you watch it another time you would feel like, wait lah, this too fake lah, but if it's the first time, It makes you go, wow, If I only I was that guy there.

4- Crimson Tide, I watched this movie like 5 times and it never gets old, basically you have and old guy (Gene Hackman) and another young one (Denzel Washington), so this guy Denzel's character, launched a mutiny after this old guy insisted on blasting Russian soil with boomies eventhough they haven't really got a direct order from their boss, so they fought la, this old guy came in and took back control before the young guy locked him up for good. All this on a freaking Nuclear sub, and they get to engage another nuclear sub and blablabla.

5- Black Hawk Down, This movie is good because they've the pretty boys shooting at some black terrorists (no racial bias here), they've got abit of courage and abit of valor and lots of fireworks, lots of bullets and Orlando Bloom looks better in there. Oh and did you know? Some UN troops bearing Malaysian flags can be seen in the movie.

The main criteria in grading the movies are first, once I've watched it, my future occupation quote turns into I want to be a Soldier, second, The movie will make me reflect on why la the enemy didn;t do this and that, and finally if it's good I'll go back and read Wikipedia on it, just like Transformers -_-.

Oh and yes, Band of Brothers doesn't count and so is Bravo Two Zero, I don't about Full Metal Jacket and Apocalyspe Now, haven't watched them YET.

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